Mate­ri­als from TEPLAST

The right mate­rial for every application

Due to their outstan­ding proper­ties, engi­nee­ring plas­tics are repla­cing conven­tio­nal mate­ri­als in more and more areas. Opti­mi­zed sliding proper­ties, low abra­sion, high opera­ting tempe­ra­tures, strength, dimen­sio­nal stabi­lity, UV resis­tance and chemi­cal resis­tance mean that impro­ve­ments, some of them considera­ble, can be achie­ved in almost all fields of application.

Below you will find an over­view of the most common mate­ri­als. In addi­tion, there are many modi­fi­ca­ti­ons that we can also easily access.

Do you have any ques­ti­ons or would you like a consultation?

Enorm­ous bandwidth

The range of ther­mo­pla­s­tic mate­ri­als that we process into engi­nee­ring plas­tic parts is enorm­ous. In order to really exhaust all possi­bi­li­ties, we coope­rate with all well-known Euro­pean and North Ameri­can manu­fac­tu­r­ers in procu­re­ment. This guarantees:

  • That the mate­rial is chosen for the appli­ca­tion that best meets the requi­re­ments (we do not have mate­rial preferences).
  • Maxi­mum secu­rity of supply, so that we can easily meet all custo­mer requi­re­ments even at short notice.
  • A top quality that is sustainable over a long period of time.
  • Always the same mate­rial proper­ties: Custo­mers, can rely on the fact that the parts produ­ced by us also corre­spond to the speci­fied stan­dard across batches – this also applies to the color.
  • Special recipes: Due to our good coope­ra­tion with our semi-finis­hed product partners.

corre­spond to the speci­fied stan­dard across all batches – this also applies to the color, by the way.

Special recipes

Due to our good coope­ra­tion with our semi-finis­hed product part­ners and our size, we have partial influence on the recipes. Special colors or modi­fi­ca­ti­ons are possi­ble after consul­ta­tion. Feel free to cont­act us!


We stock around 80 tons of the most common mate­ri­als in our semi-finis­hed products warehouse. Clear labe­l­ing provi­des the speci­fied outflow of mate­ri­als and enables iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and tracea­bi­lity of materials.

This ensu­res that we remain able to deli­ver even when the supply situa­tion is tight. In addi­tion, we have the possi­bi­lity to store special formu­la­ti­ons. For our custo­mers, this means a high degree of flexi­bi­lity and security.

Appli­ca­tion consulting

Take advan­tage of our wealth of expe­ri­ence: we know exactly which mate­rial is most suita­ble for which appli­ca­tion. We would be happy to help you find the best mate­rial for your perfect plas­tic parts.

And when we make a mate­rial recom­men­da­tion, we are 100 percent convin­ced that there is no better alter­na­tive – because we provide advice that is comple­tely inde­pen­dent of mate­ri­als and manufacturers!

Stan­dard plastics

Stan­dard plas­tics are used in appli­ca­ti­ons with a conti­nuous service tempe­ra­ture of up to approx. 100 °C.

Engi­nee­ring Plastics

Engi­nee­ring plas­tics have good mecha­ni­cal proper­ties, high dimen­sio­nal stabi­lity, and good chemi­cal and wear resistance.

High tempe­ra­ture plastics

TEPLAST also has perfect ther­mo­pla­s­tic solu­ti­ons for use in extreme areas.

Trans­pa­rent plastics

The proces­sing of trans­pa­rent plas­tics such as PMMA, PC (poly­car­bo­nate) or PETG is also part of TEPLAST’s daily business.

Food grade plastics

For use in highly sensi­tive areas such as the food indus­try, we offer a variety of suita­ble and compli­ant plastics.

Plas­tic alloys

Modern compa­nies incre­asingly require plas­tics whose mecha­ni­cal, ther­mal and elec­tri­cal proper­ties are supe­rior to conven­tio­nal materials.

Our appli­ca­tion examples

This is what your finis­hed part could look like: