
The respon­si­ble use of our natu­ral resour­ces is an essen­tial part of TEPLAST’s corpo­rate philo­so­phy, which is prac­ti­ced in all areas of the company. We have included requi­re­ments rele­vant to us in our manage­ment system based on ISO 14001.


We do not dispose of plas­tic waste gene­ra­ted during produc­tion due to offcuts or chips during machi­ning, etc. They are 100% repro­ces­sed and either regra­nu­la­ted and retur­ned to the manu­fac­tu­rer or sent to other indus­tries for further use.

Energy supply and photovoltaics

In our produc­tion, elec­tri­city is used almost exclu­si­vely as an energy source. We produce green elec­tri­city with a 140 kW photo­vol­taic system on the roof of our corpo­rate head­quar­ters in Ahaus. In addi­tion, we obtain our elec­tri­city from Stadt­werke Ahaus, a regio­nal utility that stands for the sustaina­bi­lity and sustainable deve­lo­p­ment of our region.

Waste heat

We also do not leave the process heat gene­ra­ted in the TEPLAST produc­tion process unused: Through a waste heat system, we divert the heat and use it to heat our company buildings.

Energy consul­ting

Energy consul­ting is not a chore for us, but an important support. We regu­larly have all areas of the company and proces­ses put to the energy test by exter­nal experts. This is how we ensure that we are perma­nently energy-effi­ci­ent on the road.


We conver­ted the entire light­ing system at TEPLAST to energy-saving LED lamps at an early stage.