Superf­ric® plas­tic alloy

Poly­amide alloys for mate­ri­als hand­ling technology

Modern compa­nies incre­asingly require plas­tics whose mecha­ni­cal, ther­mal and elec­tri­cal proper­ties are supe­rior to conven­tio­nal materials.

Today, Superf­ric is conside­red the ulti­mate in sliding wear mate­ri­als, and its values as a sliding part­ner for POM chains are outstan­ding. This plas­tic was initi­ally deve­lo­ped for mate­ri­als hand­ling and trans­port tech­no­logy, and we then deve­lo­ped it further into what it is today: a supe­rior mate­rial. It is used, for exam­ple, to manu­fac­ture side profiles or chain guides for mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring or the pack­a­ging industry.

Compa­ri­son of Superf­ric® with UHMW-PE

When selec­ting mate­ri­als for conveyor systems, high wear and abra­sion resis­tance is crucial. Superf­ric® offers precis­ely these posi­tive proper­ties – and does so with high tempe­ra­ture resis­tance and low heat gene­ra­tion due to friction.

V UHMW-PE Superf­ric®
V (m/min) M (Nm) T (°C) M (Nm) T (°C)
10,2 13,2 34 12,2 25<
20,4 18 45 13,6 29
30,6 19,3 51 13,6 32
40,8 * * 16 36
51 16,9 40
61,2 17,4 43
71,4 17,1 42
81,6 16,4 43
91,8 18,7 46
102 20,3 56

*Expl­ana­tion: Destruc­tion of the UHMW-PE rail at a speed of 40.2 m/min.
In the case of UHMW-PE rail, POM chain showed signs of deterioration.

Legend: V = chain speed; M = torque; T = temperature

Test: POM chain deflec­ted by PE 1000 or Superf­ric® bar

Superf­ric® conquers the market

The three main advan­ta­ges of Superf­ric® are

  • low mois­ture sensi­ti­vity to PA
  • High dimen­sio­nal stability
  • constant bending modulus

Superf­ric® also offers:

  • excel­lent wear resistance
  • very good tempe­ra­ture resistance
  • low heat gene­ra­tion during sliding and fric­tion applications
  • High chemi­cal resistance
  • Resis­tance to hydro­ly­sis and to metal­lic salts
  • excel­lent glide values
  • low abra­sion potential
  • noise absor­bing properties

Our appli­ca­tion examples

This is what your finis­hed part could look like: