Clea­ning – Packing

It goes without saying that our parts are deli­vered to the custo­mer clean and undamaged.
Howe­ver, we at TEPLAST want to go one step further and also offer opti­ons such as CO blas­ting or clea­ning in an ultra­so­nic bath.
The CO process achie­ves a very high degree of purity, as burrs and impu­ri­ties are remo­ved. In addi­tion, even hard-to-reach places such as under­cuts etc. are reached and clea­ned. This process is suita­ble for sensi­tive mate­ri­als or surfaces and is often used for medi­cal or food tech­no­logy. During produc­tion, we do not use cooling lubri­cants or clean the finis­hed parts after machi­ning, thus achie­ving clean products that can also be used in sensi­tive areas such as medi­cal tech­no­logy, the food indus­try or clean rooms.
In addi­tion, we enable exten­sive custo­mer-speci­fic marking on parts or packa­ges so that your parts or the packa­ges can be iden­ti­fied quickly and without errors and, if neces­sary, also traced.

Type Equip­ment
  • manual clea­ning
  • Ultra­so­nic bath (heata­ble, basket size 540 x 405 x 250 mm)
  • clean with carbon acid blas­ting unit
Pack­ing / Protecting
  • taping of sensi­tive surfaces
  • pack­ing in poly­bags (welding / crimping)
  • Pack­ing with bubble wrap / stretch wrap
  • Special pack­a­ging accor­ding to custo­mer requi­re­ments (gassed pallets etc.)