Stan­dard plastics

Stan­dard plas­tics are used in appli­ca­ti­ons with a conti­nuous service tempe­ra­ture of up to approx. 100 °C. They are charac­te­ri­zed by a good price-perfor­mance ratio, good elec­tri­cal insu­la­tion proper­ties, low density, high chemi­cal resis­tance, low water absorp­tion and good wear resistance.

Would you like to know more about our products made of stan­dard materials?

PE-HD (PE 300)

PE 300 (PE-HD) has a molar mass of 0.3 million g/mol. Compared to PE 500 and PE 1000, PE 300 has the highest density (HD stands for “high density”).

PE-HMW (PE 500)

High mole­cu­lar weight PE 500, with a molar mass of around 0.5 million g/mol, is a good base mate­rial with redu­ced technical …

PE-UHMW (PE 1000)

Ultra-high mole­cu­lar weight PE 1000 has a molar mass of 3 – 9 million g/mol, depen­ding on the start­ing mate­rial. As the main features …

PP (Poly­pro­py­lene)

Poly­pro­py­lene is a semi-crystal­line ther­mo­pla­s­tic and is charac­te­ri­zed by a high stiff­ness and a high chemical …

PPE (poly­phe­ny­lene ether)

Poly­phe­ny­lene ether has excep­tio­nally good mecha­ni­cal proper­ties. First and fore­most, the high tensile modulus …

Our appli­ca­tion examples

This is what your finis­hed part could look like: