PBI (poly­ben­zi­mid­azole)

Poly­ben­zi­mid­azole also belongs to the group of poly­imi­des and curr­ently repres­ents the abso­lute top high-perfor­mance mate­rial. PBI is resistant to high tempe­ra­tures and largely reta­ins its mecha­ni­cal proper­ties even in the upper­most tempe­ra­ture range.

The data sheets for this mate­rial and other mate­ri­als can be found in our down­load center.

Mate­rial Target indus­try Appli­ca­ti­ons
PBI (poly­ben­zi­mid­azole)
  • Semi­con­duc­tor Technology
  • Nuclear Indus­try
  • Aero­space
  • Elec­tri­cal connections
  • Cont­act parts in high heat
  • Plain bearings under high ther­mal load