Trai­ning – We are looking for you!

Trai­ning young people is an inte­gral part of our corpo­rate stra­tegy at TEPLAST. Every year, we train young people in admi­nis­tra­tion and produc­tion – espe­ci­ally in the area of machi­ning. You can look forward to exci­ting tasks, an inno­va­tive working envi­ron­ment, modern machi­nery, great colle­agues, varied and exten­sive trai­ning and excel­lent pros­pects in a growing company.

On August 01, 2024, we will once again be offe­ring seve­ral appren­ti­ce­ships for the follo­wing occupation

Machi­nist (m/f/d)

Specia­liza­tion in milling tech­no­logy or turning technology

Plas­tics and rubber tech­ni­cian (m/f/d)

Machine and plant opera­tor (m/f/d)

That sets you apart:

  • You are moti­va­ted and have manual skills
  • Logi­cal and spatial thin­king are fun for you
  • You are looking for a quali­fied trai­ning posi­tion with deve­lo­p­ment opportunities
  • You like to work in a team

Arou­sed inte­rest – then we look forward to hearing from you

Give us a call to get to know us or send us your docu­ments quickly and easily using the appli­ca­tion form.

TEPLAST Herbert Terbrack GmbH & Co KG – Human Resour­ces – Guten­berg­straße 1 48683 Ahaus Phone: +49 (0) 2561 – 9825-0 Fax: +49 (0) 2561 – 9825-25 E-Mail: bewerbung(at)

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