Products from cons­truc­tion plastics

Conveyor elements, gears, housings, work­piece carri­ers, guides, conveyor stars, vacuum elements…

Engi­nee­ring plas­tics have

  • good mecha­ni­cal properties,
  • Depen­ding on the mate­rial, a conti­nuous opera­ting tempe­ra­ture between 100 °C and 150 °C
  • a high dimen­sio­nal stability
  • as well as good chemi­cal and wear resistance.

To ensure these proper­ties, we use the follo­wing ther­mo­pla­s­tic cons­truc­tion mate­ri­als: PA 6, PA & C, PET, POM, PA 66, PA 12, PA 46 or PC. Depen­ding on the respec­tive mate­rial and compo­nent geome­try, the products can be used perma­nently up to tempe­ra­tures of 100 °C to 150 °C.

Would you like to know more about our products made of cons­truc­tion materials?

Our appli­ca­tion examples

This is what your finis­hed part could look like: