High tempe­ra­ture plastics

TEPLAST also has perfect ther­mo­pla­s­tic solu­ti­ons for use in extreme areas. If the plas­tic parts are expo­sed to extreme tempe­ra­tures above 150 °C, if they come into cont­act with alka­lis, acids and other chemi­cals, or if other extreme proper­ties are requi­red, we use parti­cu­larly high-quality mate­ri­als such as PEEK, PSU, ECTFE, PVDF, PEI, PPSU, PES, etc. for the produc­tion of the corre­spon­ding milled and turned parts. It is precis­ely these mate­ri­als that bring the supe­rior proper­ties of poly­mers – such as sliding fric­tion beha­vior, weight savings and chemi­cal resis­tance – to bear even at high conti­nuous service temperatures.

Would you like to know more about our products made of high-perfor­mance materials?

PTFE (poly­te­traf­luo­roethy­lene)

Poly­te­traf­luo­roethy­lene is a highly crystal­line ther­mo­pla­s­tic with excel­lent sliding proper­ties, anti-adhesive …

PVDF (poly­vi­nyli­dene fluoride)

Poly­vi­nyli­dene fluo­ride is a highly crystal­line ther­mo­pla­s­tic with good mecha­ni­cal, ther­mal and electrical …

ECTFE (ethy­lene – chlorotrifluoroethylene)

Ethy­lene – chlo­ro­trifluo­roethy­lene also belongs to the group of fluo­ro­pla­s­tics. ECTFE is a copo­ly­mer with alternating …

PEI (poly­ethe­ri­mide)

Poly­ethe­ri­mide is an amor­phous, amber ther­mo­pla­s­tic with high mecha­ni­cal strength and stiffness …

PSU (poly­sul­fone)

Poly­sul­fone is an amor­phous ther­mo­pla­s­tic with high mecha­ni­cal strength and stiff­ness as well as a high …

PES (poly­ether­sul­fone)

Poly­ether­sul­fone is an amor­phous plas­tic with a trans­pa­rent-yello­wish inher­ent color. It offers very good chemi­cal resistance …

PPS (poly­phe­ny­lene sulfide)

Poly­phe­ny­lene sulfi d is an amor­phous plas­tic with a trans­pa­rent-yello­wish inher­ent color. It offers very good chemi­cal resistance …

PEEK (poly­ether­ether­ke­tone)

Poly­ether­ether­ke­tone is a semi-crystal­line ther­mo­pla­s­tic with excel­lent slip proper­ties and an outstanding …

PAI (poly­amide imide)

Poly­amide imide belongs to the group of poly­imi­des. Due to the charac­te­ristic imide group, PAI belongs to the high-tempe­ra­ture resistant…

PBI (poly­ben­zi­mid­azole)

Poly­ben­zi­mid­azole also belongs to the poly­imide group and curr­ently repres­ents the abso­lute top high-perfor­mance material …

Our appli­ca­tion examples

This is what your finis­hed part could look like: