
In our down­load center you will find cata­logs, infor­ma­tion mate­rial, certi­fi­ca­tion templa­tes and various data sheets on the ther­mo­pla­s­tic mate­ri­als we process.

Data sheets*

Below you will find the data sheets of the most common materials.

Further data sheets of our more than 200 diffe­rent mate­ri­als, modi­fi­ca­ti­ons, special types etc. are available on request. Please get in touch with one of our cont­act persons for this purpose.

High tempe­ra­ture plastics

PTFE (poly­te­tra-fluo­roethy­lene)

PVDF (poly­vi­nyli­dene fluoride)

PEI (poly­ethe­ri­mide)

PSU (poly­sul­fone)

PPS (poly­phe­ny­lene sulfide)

Trans­pa­rent plastics

PC (Poly­car­bo­nate)

PETG (poly­ethy­lene tere­phtha­late glycol)

PMMA (poly­me­thyl methacrylate)

*To handle the tech­ni­cal data sheets

The infor­ma­tion and speci­fi­ca­ti­ons in these data sheets corre­spond to the current state of our know­ledge and are inten­ded to provide infor­ma­tion about our products/materials and their possi­ble appli­ca­ti­ons. The contents of our data sheets are not legally binding.

Aspects such as chemi­cal resis­tance, the nature of the products and merchan­ta­bi­lity are not guaran­teed in a legally binding manner via the data sheets. Our products are not inten­ded for use in medi­cal or dental implants. All rele­vant indus­trial property rights must be taken into account.

The values and infor­ma­tion listed are not mini­mum or maxi­mum values, but guide values that can be used prima­rily for compa­ra­tive purpo­ses for mate­rial selec­tion. These values are within the normal tole­rance range of the product properties

They do not repre­sent guaran­teed property values and should ther­e­fore not be used for speci­fi­ca­tion purpo­ses. Unless other­wise stated, the values were deter­mi­ned from tests on refe­rence dimen­si­ons (usually round bars with a diame­ter of 40 to 60 mm accor­ding to DIN EN 15860) on extru­ded and machi­ned test specimens.

Since the proper­ties depend on the dimen­si­ons of the semi-finis­hed products and the orien­ta­tion in the compo­nent (espe­ci­ally in the case of rein­forced mate­ri­als), the mate­ri­als must not be used without sepa­rate test­ing in indi­vi­dual cases!

The custo­mer is solely respon­si­ble for ensu­ring the quality and suita­bi­lity of the products for the appli­ca­tion. He must test the use and proces­sing before use in any case. We reserve the right to make tech­ni­cal changes.