Quality – the solid basis for success and growth

Quality and legal certainty

Whether you need maxi­mum legal certainty with the new Food Confor­mity Direc­tive 10/2011, factory test certi­fi­ca­tes or decla­ra­ti­ons of confor­mity. The docu­men­ta­tion of proces­ses is beco­ming incre­asingly important. Cont­act us.

Factory test certi­fi­ca­tes accor­ding to DIN 10204

Euro­pean Stan­dard EN 10204 speci­fies various types of test docu­ments that can be provi­ded to the client in accordance with the agree­ments made when orde­ring for deli­very. This stan­dard supple­ments other stan­dards defi­ning the gene­ral tech­ni­cal deli­very conditions.

We can provide you with the follo­wing types of test certi­fi­ca­tes accor­ding to EN 10204:

Certi­fi­cate of compli­ance with 2.1

Certi­fi­cate in which the manu­fac­tu­rer confirms, without speci­fy­ing test results, that the deli­vered products meet the requi­re­ments of the order as well as the quality.

Factory certi­fi­cate accor­ding to 2.2

Certi­fi­cate in which the manu­fac­tu­rer confirms, stating non-speci­fic tests, that the deli­vered products meet the requi­re­ments of the order and quality.

Accep­tance test certi­fi­cate accor­ding to 3.1

In an accep­tance test certi­fi­cate accor­ding to 3.1, the manu­fac­tu­rer confirms, stating the speci­fic test results, that the deli­vered products meet the requi­re­ments speci­fied in the purchase order. The accep­tance test certi­fi­cate is confirmed by an accep­tance repre­sen­ta­tive of the manu­fac­tu­rer who is inde­pen­dent of the manu­fac­tu­ring department.

A manu­fac­tu­rer may include in the Accep­tance Test Certi­fi­cate 3.1 test results obtai­ned on the basis of speci­fic test­ing of the start­ing material(s) he uses. Howe­ver, this is only possi­ble under the condi­tion that he applies proce­du­res to ensure tracea­bi­lity and can present the corre­spon­ding inspec­tion certi­fi­cate. Other­wise, the test results are deter­mi­ned from machi­ned speci­mens from the corre­spon­ding semi-finis­hed product produc­tion batch.

Test­ing costs are incur­red for an accep­tance test certi­fi­cate accor­ding to 3.1 (depen­ding on the desi­red test results). In addi­tion, we charge a hand­ling fee.

Non-speci­fic tests in this context are tests inten­ded to deter­mine whether products manu­fac­tu­red accor­ding to the same product speci­fi­ca­tion and by the same process meet the requi­re­ments speci­fied in the purchase order. The products tested do not neces­s­a­rily have to come from the deli­very itself, but can come from various compa­ra­ble productions.

EU Direc­tive 10/2011

We also prepared oursel­ves at an early stage for the requi­re­ments impo­sed by EU Regu­la­tion 10/2011: All TEPLAST parts marked with the company’s own FG label have been scree­ned as part of the complete manu­fac­tu­ring process so that they are 100 percent EU-compli­ant and can ther­e­fore also be used in highly sensi­tive areas such as food and drug production.
In this way, we not only provide our custo­mers with the usual good TEPLAST quality, but we also guaran­tee the maxi­mum legal secu­rity they have come to expect from us.

Decla­ra­ti­ons of conformity

These are docu­ments in which a certain property (FDA, biocom­pa­ti­bi­lity, fire class accor­ding to UL, drin­king water appr­ovals, …) of the mate­rial or for its used start­ing mate­rial is declared.

Other appr­ovals are possi­ble, we ask to clarify these on request.

DQS certi­fi­cate

DQS Certi­fi­cate English