What makes us stand out?

For more than 25 years, we have been tack­ling all chal­lenges rela­ting to ther­mo­pla­s­tic parts. We want to be a compe­tent and fair part­ner for our custo­mers in all ques­ti­ons. This includes a very large variety of mate­ri­als and compre­hen­sive proces­sing and finis­hing opti­ons. This means that you as a custo­mer also bene­fit from our exten­sive wealth of expe­ri­ence and the wide range of possibilities:

  • over 25 years experience
  • Expe­ri­ence with the requi­re­ments in almost all supply industries
  • indi­vi­dual and custo­mi­zed solutions
  • moti­va­ted and compe­tent employees
  • Proces­sing of all thermoplastics
  • Mate­rial access at all well-known semi-finis­hed product manufacturers
  • First-class machi­nery
  • Micro­me­ter precis­ion high-end parts
  • from very small to very large (3000 x 1500 mm, Ø 1450 mm)
  • simul­ta­neous milling and turning with driven tools
  • Exten­sive forming, assem­bly and proces­sing capabilities
  • 3D prin­ting
  • flexi­ble part­ner solu­ti­ons (extru­sion, injec­tion molding, prin­ting, etc.)
  • any quan­tity – from indi­vi­dual parts to large-scale production
  • fast, flexi­ble & on time
  • short reac­tion times
  • food compli­ant parts accor­ding to Regu­la­tion (EU) No. 10/2011
  • Complete docu­men­ta­tion and monitoring
  • Certi­fi­ca­tes, test reports, factory certi­fi­ca­tes, etc.