+120 employees

+25 years experience

+13,000 m² opera­ting area

+120 employees

+25 years experience

+13,000 m² opera­ting area

Compe­tence for more than 25 years

Prefa­bri­ca­ted plas­tic parts from TEPLAST bring success to your appli­ca­tion. TEPLAST, that is for 25 years: profes­sio­nal consul­ting, inno­va­tive plas­tics engi­nee­ring, micro­me­ter-precise and on-time produc­tion and a perfect and sustainable service.

As a specia­list in plas­tic machi­ning (turned parts & milled parts), we, TEPLAST from Ahaus, are the perfect part­ner for all compa­nies that need tech­ni­cal plas­tic parts for their applications.

We manu­fac­ture your parts on the most modern CNC milling and turning machi­nes. Whether it’s a single part or a large series, a large turned part or filigree machi­ning: over 120 employees ensure that your requi­re­ments are imple­men­ted perfectly and on time every day.

All ther­mo­pla­s­tics are proces­sed. We guaran­tee consis­t­ently high quality through DIN ISO 9001 certi­fi­ca­tion and recur­ring audits.

Image film – a first impression

Take a look at it: TEPLAST as an employer / trai­ning company

Our supply industries

TEPLAST prefa­bri­ca­ted plas­tic parts can be found in almost all sectors and indus­trial applications.

Due to their excel­lent proper­ties and our dimen­sio­nally accu­rate, requi­re­ments-based manu­fac­tu­ring, ther­mo­pla­s­tic parts are repla­cing more and more parts made of conven­tio­nal mate­ri­als (metals) in applications.

Medi­cal Technology


Food Machi­nery

Labo­ra­tory and analy­ti­cal technology

Pack­a­ging Machinery

Other indus­tries

Our products

Our clients come from prac­ti­cally all indus­trial sectors. We deve­lop, mill or turn, for exam­ple, worms, gears, work­piece carri­ers, trans­port buckets, guides, drives, fittings, housings, displays and many other parts or assem­blies – and always at the very highest level. Thanks to state-of-the-art CNC machi­nes and a CAD / CAM connec­tion, we realize even the most diffi­cult contours and geometries.

Many manu­fac­tu­ring proces­ses, one goal:

Perfect plas­tic solutions

As a custo­mer, you can freely choose the mate­rial, shape and product features from us. We then bring your ideas perfectly into shape – and that is to be taken lite­rally. The main guaran­tee for this are our very well trai­ned and quali­fied employees and our exten­sive and state-of-the-art machi­nery. Whether it’s a single part or a large series, a large turned part or filigree machi­ning: we manu­fac­ture your plas­tic part to the very highest quality standards.

The right mate­rial for every application

Due to their outstan­ding proper­ties, engi­nee­ring plas­tics are repla­cing conven­tio­nal mate­ri­als in more and more areas. Opti­mi­zed sliding proper­ties, low abra­sion, low density, high opera­ting tempe­ra­tures, strength, dimen­sio­nal stabi­lity, UV resis­tance and chemi­cal resis­tance mean that considera­ble impro­ve­ments can be achie­ved in almost all fields of appli­ca­tion. Due to our close, direct part­ner­ship with all well-known manu­fac­tu­r­ers, virtually every ther­mo­pla­s­tic is available.

Our appli­ca­tion examples

This is what your finis­hed part could look like: