Our product world

Plas­tic products from TEPLAST

Due to their dura­bi­lity, their tempe­ra­ture resis­tance, their good sliding and fric­tion values, their low mois­ture absorp­tion and density or their enorm­ous chemi­cal and mecha­ni­cal resi­li­ence compared to conven­tio­nal mate­ri­als (metals), tech­ni­cal finis­hed parts made of plas­tic are finding their way into more and more areas of produc­tion and life. The TEPLAST product world is corre­spon­din­gly exten­sive. We deve­lop, mill, turn or machine worms, gears, guides, drives, filter housings and many other parts for clients from virtually all sectors of indus­try – and always to the very highest standards.

Are you looking for a compe­tent and expe­ri­en­ced produc­tion part­ner who can produce tech­ni­cally deman­ding plas­tic finis­hed parts and assem­blies for you with high precis­ion? Use our express inquiry and we will get back to you with an indi­vi­dual offer within the shor­test possi­ble time.

Large quan­ti­ties and special plas­tic products

Regard­less of whether it is a matter of special plas­tic designs or indi­vi­dual parts, or whether we manu­fac­ture larger quan­ti­ties or series – all tech­ni­cal plas­tic parts that leave our factory meet the highest standards.

Food­Grade (FG) products for the food industry

The deve­lo­p­ment and manu­fac­ture of products used in highly sensi­tive areas such as food produc­tion is also stan­dard for us. Examp­les include screw convey­ors, pistons, housings and meter­ing needles.
We offer a wide range of mate­ri­als that meet the requi­re­ments of EU Regu­la­tion 10/2011 as well as the US FDA Regu­la­tion. The basic aim of both regu­la­ti­ons is to prevent subs­tances from migra­ting from the plas­tic mate­rial into the product.

Our product variety at a glance

Products from stan­dard plastics

Products from cons­truc­tion plastics

Products made from high tempe­ra­ture plastics

Trans­pa­rent plas­tic, acrylic & more products

Products for the food industry

Products made in SLS / 3D prin­ting process

Large turned parts

Assem­blies and protec­tive coverings

Plas­tic welded and plas­tic edged parts

Injec­tion molding post processing

Our appli­ca­tion examples

This is what your finis­hed part could look like: