For the next possi­ble date we are looking for seve­ral employees for the finis­hing (m/f/d) in full or part time (min. 25-30h/­week).

Your bene­fits:

  • a perfor­mance-rela­ted payment
  • attrac­tive addi­tio­nal social benefits
  • an employer-funded company pension plan
  • a private supple­men­tary health insurance
  • Service bike (JobBike)
  • an attrac­tive, family-orien­ted working envi­ron­ment with future pros­pects and flat hierarchies
  • perso­nal and profes­sio­nal deve­lo­p­ment opportunities
  • Exten­sive trai­ning and further educa­tion opportunities
  • a good working atmo­sphere in a moti­va­ted and dyna­mic team
  • an inno­va­tive machine park
  • modern, ergo­no­mic office equip­ment in air-condi­tio­ned rooms
  • a perma­nent and long-term job
  • free fruit and drinks, etc.

Your skills:

  • manual dexterity and tech­ni­cal understanding
  • Ability to work in a team, willing­ness to perform and flexibility
  • inde­pen­dent work

Your tasks:

  • Proces­sing of plas­tic parts by means of hand tools or conven­tio­nal machi­nes (e.g. debur­ring, part marking)
  • Imple­men­ta­tion of manu­fac­tu­ring and quality specifications

Your acti­vity:

Haben wir dein Inter­esse geweckt?

Dann freuen wir uns auf Dich!

Schnell und unkom­pli­ziert! Nutze das Formu­lar Schnell­be­wer­bung, schreibe uns eine E-Mail an bewerbung(at) oder rufe unter +49 2561 9825-15 an!

Oder per Post:

TEPLAST Herbert Terbrack GmbH & Co. KG
Ingrid Skorzak
Guten­berg­straße 1
48683 Ahaus
Tele­fon: +49 (0) 2561 / 9825-15